How Immersion Programs Can Help Your Child Learn A New Language

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Wanting a better future for your children is something that's a natural desire as a parent. One of the best things you can do for your child is to provide them with a good education including teaching them a second language. If you yourself aren't bilingual, giving them the tools they need to speak a second language may be a bit more difficult. Luckily, there are programs like immersion preschools that are designed to help young children learn a new language a lot easier. 

What Is An Immersion Preschool? 

Immersion preschools were created around the concept of full immersion meaning that you can immerse your child fully into a program to help them learn something quicker. Because children pick up on things from others really easily, being immersed in a second language program will help them learn a language at a much more accelerated rate. During a language immersion preschool, they will only be talked to in the language that you desire them to learn. For instance, if you enroll your child in a full immersion preschool, their teachers will only speak to them in Spanish (even when your child asks questions in English). Although it may be really frustrating for your child at first, they will quickly pick up on the language and it will challenge them in new ways. 

Are Kids Too Young to Learn a Language? 

Some parents wonder if they should wait until their child is much older in order to learn a new language. One of the biggest things to consider is how quickly children learn. For instance, think about how much growth took place in their first year of life. When it comes to learning a second language, the same theory applies. 

If your child has a speech disability in English, then you may want to consult with their speech therapist before they start the program, but overall they shouldn't have any issues to worry about. 

Imagine if your child were able to go to high school and already know a second language —it may not only set them up for better high school years, but it can also help them fill certain college prerequisites as well. While you may be able to provide your kids with certain things, there are other things that are best left up to the professionals. To learn more about these and other options, reach out to an immersion preschool near you. 
